
Bungalow & Mobile Home



There is ample opportunity for hiking in the surrounding area, both on the flat (along the lake shore is particularly beautiful) and in the hills. Some particular examples of the local hill walks are the Colle di Tenna, to the farmsteads (masi) in Santa Caterina, Monte Cimone and the Sentiero dei Minatori, or the Miner's Track.
Among the easier mountain hikes are up to Lake Erdemolo where you can still  admire a sparkling snowfield as late as early summer, the hike to the Pizzo di Levico with one of the most beautiful panoramas in the whole of Trentino, and up the Panarotta, which can be largely “climbed“ by car (to 1900 m).
Hikes taking a little more effort are to the Becco di Filadonna in the Vigolana massif, the Marzola which borders on the lake towards Trento, and the high altitude circular trail on the Lagorai, which stays between 2000 and 2300 meter above sea level, running from the Sette Selle mountain refuge through undisturbed nature to Lake Erdomolo.